
Sciatica/Slipped Disc

Solutions for Sciatica

If you would like help getting relief for your Sciatica, please give our office a call.

Is this You?

Pain – constant burning or shooting pain starting in buttock and running down one leg?
Numbness – in the back of the leg and toes of one leg?
Avoid coughing and sneezing because it makes the pain worse?
Find yourself leaning to one side to get relief?
Feel worse of a morning or after sitting for a long period?

You Want Answers

What is causing my pain?

Can you fix it?

How can I prevent it from coming back? 

To rid yourself of Sciatica Pain, you must do 3 things;

1. Find out what specifically is CAUSING the pain

2. Rehabilitate the damaged tissue.

3. Learn to strengthen the muscles around the neck to prevent relapses 

If You are Tired of Your Sciatica