

Lower Back Pain

Is this you?

  • Waking up with pain in your lower back?
  • Get stiff and sore after driving or sitting down?
  • Feel pain going from sitting to standing?
  • Waking up at night from your pain?
  • Feel pain in your lower back when coughing or sneezing?
  • Bent down one day and felt a sharp pain in the lower back?

Sciatica/Slipped Disc

Is this you?

  • Pain – constant burning or shooting pain starting in buttock and running down one leg?
  • Numbness – in the back of the leg and toes of one leg?
  • Avoid coughing and sneezing because it makes the pain worse?
  • Find yourself leaning to one side to get relief?
  • Feel worse of a morning or after sitting for a long period?

Neck Pain

Is this you?

  • Feel tension in your neck as the day goes on?
  • Can’t turn all the way when backing your car?
  • Waking up with numbness in your fingers or hands?
  • Feel pain across the top of the shoulders?
  • Find it easier to slouch to get relief?
  • Waking up with a headache and neck pain?

Hip Pain

Is this you?

  • Feel the worst pain when getting out of bed of a morning?
  • Avoid driving because you know the pain will increase?
  • Have difficulty getting out of a chair because of pain?
  • Now have difficulty walking up stairs?
  • Have trouble crossing your legs?
  • Can now no longer sleep on one side and get woken up when rolling over

Womens Health

Is this you?

  • Starting to feel pain in pregnancy and don’t know what to do about it?
  • Suffer incontinence?
  • Feel a stomach separation?
  • Recovering from gynaecological surgery such as prolapse repair?
  • Want to know what exercises you should or shouldn’t be doing?
  • Concerned about your pelvic floor?

These, among other concerns, can have a profound effect on your life. Thankfully Rachel has the additional expertise in the management and treatment of conditions affecting women through their life stages – from early adulthood, through child bearing years, post menopause and into older age. 

Firstly, we want you to know you are not alone, there are many conditions that are unfortunately swept under the carpet as ‘that’s just what happens during pregnancy’ or ‘oh that’s normal after having kids’. Don’t let your life be ruled by a condition that can be helped.

Feel free to explore just some of the many regions Rachel works with in the following videos.

Pregnancy Care

We understand that having a baby can be one of the most rewarding and challenging times in a person’s life.

Greg and Rachel bring a wealth of knowledge in when it comes to the skeletal and muscular changes of the body during pregnancy.

We know that it can be a common time that some women may experience lower back pain, rib pain and sciatica.

Our goals for care during pregnancy is very simple… Help expecting mums experience a comfortable pregnancy and to help facilitate an uncomplicated labour and delivery

After giving birth, women also experience massive changes in their bodies. Specific care and rehabilitation after delivery can help your body recover more quickly and cope with new physical demands as you prepare to carry an increasingly heavy baby around.